Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Dreaming costs nothing

This picture was taken during my trip to New York, November 2004. I'm so grateful that I had the chance to be there. There was one time in the past when I thought that I might never make it, but see... dreams do come true!... Times Square was one of the things I enjoyed the most, I don't know, the lights, the color... maybe it was just the fact that that everything looks so alive, maybe that was the reason I really enjoyed being there. I hope this is just one of my dreams come true and keep achiving most of the dreams I have in my life.

El sentido de la vida

Cuando estas en un lugar como este y observas hacia el vacío, te das cuenta de lo pequeño que eres, apesar de que la perspectiva propia también es pequeña ya que no estamos tomando el universo de referencia. Quisiera bajar esa pared de nuevo, respirar el aire que ahí es tan puro, no escuchar más sonido que el de los árboles, y sentir en el fondo de mi corazón que la vida tiene un sentido, un propósito, no sentirme tan sola, ni tan decepcionada ... mi corazón está triste, está perdiendo toda esperanza... necesita escapar, sanar sus heridas, sacar todo mal sentimiento, todo rencor y toda ira, llenarse de nuevo con buenos sentimientos, con confianza, con dedicación de nuevo y con la ayuda de Dios, de esperanza en que algún día podrá volver a creer.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I dreamed about him

Is that how it feels like? having somebody you've always wanted with you? ... to bad it was just a dream.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Love can be spread... II part

My girlfriends know who I am talking about, he doesn't. He might have a slight idea of how I feel while thinking of him, and how I feel about: "what would have happend if" but what he doesn't know that I keep his emails since 2000 when we met and ever time I feel sad I read them to cheer myself up, he doesn't know that he is and always be my platonic love, he doesn't know that once in a while I dream of us living happily ever after just as in the fairy tale of my dreams, being all as it should be, beautiful, happy. I don't have the certainty of how he feels about me, I mean , we all love in different ways, and since we've been this appart from each other during all this time its getting hard to believe that something between us could be real. But on the other side, what if all this feelings that have been saved on our hearts and memories turns into someting else ? what if a love story like this really happens?. I don't want to give it a lot of tought, however, my heart beats faster when I think of the posibility that this could be. This picture was sent to me on the second or maybe third email he sent me since we met. All this time I've known him only through words, pictures and images. I've learned that besides his great sense of humor (the first trait that ever made me like him), creativity and looks, he is so loving and affectionate... To be continued.

Ella lo supo antes que yo ...

Es curioso como en esta vida donde siempre creemos que sufrimos y que nos está pasando algo que a nadie más le ha sucedido, de pronto aparece alguien que parece leer nuestro corazón. Eso me pasa con las canciones. Hay compositores que escriben canciones bellísimas, con las que me he identificado de una manera tal que quedo atónita ante la similitud de otro corazón que ha sentido lo mismo que yo. Por lo que creo esto le pasó a Julieta, y si no le pasó a ella de verdad que es de admirarse la sensibilidad enorme para percibir que alguien más haya vivido esto, especialmente cuando es algo que la mayoría de las personas no nos atrevemos a expresarlo.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Nos volveremos a encontrar / translated:We'll met again

I have the certainty that the place you see as the background, is not other place than the place where all the people we loved are. When I think of him and I feel like crying I put this photograph in my mind and then my tears stop running because I know that he , and all the people that has left us, live on a place far more beautiful than ours where suffering is not part of their vocabulary. Maybe I've cried and I'll keep crying his abscence, but I stop everytime I think how thankful I'm that God allowed me to be part of the same space, same place and same family than him... Cousin: Save me a place next to you, grandma and HIM.

Nos volveremos a encontrar

Tengo la seguridad que el lugar que se ve hacia lo lejos en este paisaje, no es más que el lugar donde se encuentran todos los seres amados que perdemos, cuando me acuerdo de él y me dan ganas de llorar pongo en mi mente esta imagen y entonces las lágrimas se detienen porqué sé que él como todos los que nos han dejado, habitan en un lugar más bello que nosotros donde el sufrimiento no existe en el vocabulario. Tal vez he llorado y seguiré llorando inevitablemente su ausencia, pero me detengo cuando pienso en cuán agradecida me siento de que Dios me haya permitido que pertenecieramos al mismo espacio, al mismo lugar y a la misma familia... Primito: Guardame un lugar junto a tí, junto a la abuela y junto a Él.

Love can be spread in many ways, but through words it sticks forever!

Lately (well as always) I've been really confused about my feelings towards my love life, I’m not sure if I should listen to my heart, or to my head who always find ways to be the one that wins. I pray at night to take the best decisions in my life and doing that without regrets. My feelings are always on a roller coaster, but when I find myself on top of that roller coaster, when I feel this special, when I feel loved, when I feel this happiness building up inside my heart, I swear it’s a feeling I don’t want to let go. A good way of keeping this feeling longer for me it’s writing it down. Today it's an important day that was the reason I didn't want to skip writing here. (I wrote this April 21st) If I am doing this in English it's because I found it more appropriate because of the person that made my day, and hell! he really did just by sending an email. His words mean a lot to me, not only for its meaning, but also because they make me realize that If I’m able to leave a love, or friendship mark on somebody else’s heart and make it last for long time, then the person I’ve become has a lot to be thankful for, and I’ll know for sure that my life has had a meaning. Since I seriously want to remember this words for a lifetime like if glued to my heart, I decided to paste an excerpt: “…I’ve never forgotten about you, you who I only shared a little time with yet I felt as though it had been much longer. We need to see each other again, we need to know if this love is real. If it's not, then we know we tried. But if it's even stronger, then we know we have some decisions to make . Because, I know I love you. I just want to see how much you love me..." To be continued...