Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Look at him! Isn't he adorable?..Lucas is the son of Sara and Andy. I met Sara through internet and she was my first friend when I moved to Dublin California. I lived there during 2000 year, and I can tell that being there was a big turning point in my life. Sara and Andy met at a party Sara threw with no particular reason; Their love story was memorable, but I'm not focusing on that since is not my story to tell.What is shoking to me about this picture (besides his lovely eyes ) is that: Life goes on in a blink!....ok ok is not that I have never heard that before, The shock comes from realizing that most of my friends are married with kids who already are one, two , three or seven years old, then suddenly pops up the question to myself saying: Am I really going to have my own family one day?. Good news is that I've done meaningful things on my life that won't let me feel empty, I might feel alone but never empty. I have to confess that finding "the one" has given me headaches, and made me feel that having my own family was just not ment for me. Due to some recent events (hahaha I won't tell) I've recovered and accepted the fact that I do want a family somehow I feel,truly believe, and know that my time its really close.....,but if my feelings are wrong and time is not that close... I can always get my eggs frozen!!! don't you think? ... hahaha...

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